Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am enough

The media bombards us with messages of our inadequacy and all of the things we should be acquiring right now to better ourselves and our lives. If we follow the gods of advertising, their Word is simply: "You can never be good enough. You will never have enough. Keep trying, keep buying, and maybe one day you'll be lovable."

It's a lie. You are at this moment exactly who you are meant to be, where you are meant to be, and doing what you are supposed to be doing. You are beautiful. You are sacred. You are loved. You are cherished. No put downs from others, no rejection letter, no self-loathing changes that. You are a wondrous gift meant to bless the world with your love, joy, and light.

It is not a job status or the size of your home or the cost of your car that determines your worth. You are innately lovable. You are innately, divinely worthy. And worthy right now -- not after losing 20 pounds or getting that big bonus.

That isn't to say we don't need to grow. Of course there is wisdom and experience always to be had. It means we give ourselves permission to stop berating ourselves. It means we give ourselves permission to break through fear and experience the life we are meant to live because we recognize we are worthy of it. Embrace and honor your gifts. Feed the fire of your creativity and share your soul with the world. Honor yourself and treat yourself well spiritually and physically.

Your moment is now. Your power doesn't exist in the dreams of the future or the regrets/accomplishments of the past. Your ability to experience miracles is in found in the now. The life you wish to lead is found in this very moment. But we can't fully appreciate life and all of the blessings we have until we stop the push for more, more, more and be grateful for the person that we are and the blessings around us. It goes against nearly everything society teaches us to find satisfaction in our life. But is one of the most necessary things to do for inner peace.

It takes a great deal of nerve, and an act of outright rebellion, to dig down inside yourself and find a voice that says, "I am enough." So take my hand friend. Welcome to the revolution.


  1. Hi Melanie. This was a powerful pep-talk! Thank you. You've hit the nail on the head -- we already are enough as we are. It's those darn egos that keep us thinking otherwise.

  2. This is a fantastic post and eye-opening. It's hard to think of myself as being enough... but it's worth trying and acting upon it.
