Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Namaste Consciousness

"You were missed." These words welcomed me back to work on Friday after a month-long furlough. There were even a few welcome back hugs to add cheer to my day.

As the smile grew on my face with each word of appreciation, I realized how important interactions like these are for my soul. It is important for us to know that we are cared for and that our presence impacts another person's world. It reminded me how important it is for us to acknowledge those around us.

When was the last time you expressed to someone how wonderful you think they are, how grateful you are for what they do, how much you appreciate them? Take the time. People need to hear these words. It is a period of great stress and negativity. It is important to remember each one of us can make a choice to give in to the negativity or to reach for the light. We can make a choice to help others who are struggling to hold on and remind them of their worth. We can make a choice to act from love.

It can be hard to reach out. It can be a struggle to be vulnerable. So allow me to share. It has been my tendency through much of my life to be a hermit. I protected myself out of fear. Through time and age, I am learning. I am softening. The walls are slowly crumbling. When you open your heart and come from a place of love, you see the beauty of others. You are barely able to see their so-called faults through the loving filter. The very desire to judge is lost in appreciation of the the gifts and struggles of that unique person. Compassion comes easier and therefore anger lessens. Take the time to take care of yourself so that you are grounded, centered, calm, and in a loving place when interacting with others.

I challenge you to salute and bless the people around you. Everyone. This includes the people you like and the people you might not like. Just look at a person and say a simple blessing like "The love in me salutes the love in you." or "The God in me salutes the God in you." If need be, make up your own blessing. We want to acknowledge the best in people. Such praise and honoring helps those good qualities to manifest further. It will also help improve your outlook since you'll be focusing on something positive.

Adopt this Namaste consciousness and let me know what happens. Share your stories, frustrations, further suggestions. Honor those around you and don't wait to spread love. Live with an open heart and light up the world.


  1. This is a great article!Many people to put up a wall simply out of fear. Fear of being hurt, fear of failing, fear of the unknown.

    Once you start sharing just a bit of yourself, your fear tends to ease up each time and then that will allow you to freely speak the words of affirmation and encouragement.

    Well said! We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so make sure you express your feelings today!

  2. Hi Melanie. These are wise words. I've been re-united with my younger brother after almost 3 years and I have to pace myself. I'm so eager to help him that I tend to overdo it :-) He's a good sport though.
