Saturday, February 28, 2009

Confessions of a Technology Addict

Hi, my name is Melanie. It's been 5 seconds since my last Twitter.

Wow. I spoiled myself this week and indulged in an iPhone purchase...something I've been dying for since it was released. Now I'm a full-fledged addict. I was in love from the first morning laying in the bathtub reading my e-mails, texting, and surfing the Web. It is a beautiful, useful toy that I highly recommend all check out.

But it didn't stop with the in the tub reading. Things got taken to a whole new level when I got onto Twitter (Check it out at It is a place where you can sign up to leave little 140 character updates on your life. You can also "follow" friends, family, and strangers from around the world. It's a fun way to communicate and stay in touch. And it is a complete blast.

I am following a few of my favorite celebrities and news sources and have found a few followers already from around the world. I'm in love.

On a serious note I'm hoping that it's something that might help keep me updated on my step-brother's safety as he rejoins the army. If he can post little updates to let us know he's okay that would help his family's worry for his welfare as low as possible. Some doctors are using Twitter as a means to keep families informed of progress during surgeries.

So I highly recommend checking out the Twitter Web site and then sign on to "follow" me! I'm at

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